Renegade Romance is a bi-monthly subscription box, meaning there is one box—and at least one featured author—every other month.
Subscriptions will automatically renew on the 10th, every other month. You do have the option to skip a month, but do so BEFORE the next renewal. You may also cancel at any time. However, please note, if a renewal has been charged, you may not cancel that specifically, but only future renewals.
Subscriptions are scheduled, meaning starting from the renewal date (10th) through the 29th they will be available (unless sold out). On the 30th, subscription purchases will be closed regardless of filled quotas or not- this is being done for several reasons, one of which is making sure I have the ability as a one-woman-show to get boxes out in a timely manner.
Packing begins on or around the 25th of the month—it is expected that boxes will tentatively ship between the 25th and 5th of the month following renewal. This is the ideal, and what Renegade will aspire to. Shipping updates will be given as frequently as possible, whether delayed or not.